Sunday, September 6, 2020

How to Access Shadow DOM elements in Cypress Automation


How to Access Shadow DOM elements in
 Cypress Automation

Cypress has provided Shadow DOM support in the 4.8.0 release version. Asking to configure the:- 
1. experimentalShadowDomSupport : true        (in cypress.json file)
2. import 'cypress-shadow-dom';               (in command.js file)
3. By including the addition of a new command .shadow() and an includeShadowDom option for some DOM commands.

Yet somehow, I found it difficult to fetch the Shadow Elements using .shadow() command. I followed the below-mentioned implementation installing the cypress Plug-in, where we use cy.get() command. Hope it might help you too.


Let's say am working on this Date field where we need to fetch the existing input value "date & time".

With reference to this additional Cypress Plugin:
  1. Install: npm install --save-dev cypress-shadow-dom
 2. Save: import 'cypress-shadow-dom';  (in command.js file)
 3. Save: 
"experimentalShadowDomSupport": true, (in cypress.json file)

I'm trying to Get the "Date & Time" input value, so retrieving the "Value" from the shadow element.


  • I mentioned the parent element of shadow-root: cy.get('#id')
  • As we are aiming for the value inside the element, mentioned: .invoke('val')  [ Tip: If you are retrieving text, then give as .invoke('text') ]

Cypress Script to retrieve "value" from Shadow Element:

cy.get('#booking-edit-form_due')     //targeting the parent of Shadow
  .invoke('val')                     //Invoking the value of shadow
  .then((text=> {                  //Get the date&time text from shadow element, 
                  cy.log(text)        //so storing the text in variable
                  })                //this logs the text that is inside the Shadow element 

Result will be log capturing the text value:  2020-10-23 09:00:00

Cypress Script to input "value" into Shadow Element:

If you are trying to 'input' the 'value' into the shadow field:

.invoke('val','input text into shadow element')        
//invoking shadow element referring its value & the input new value
Result:  previous text "2020-10-23 09:00:00" text will be replaced by "input text into shadow element"
This can implementation be used in case of Input fields or so.

Cypress Script to verify Shadow Element using shadowFind():

 If you have a child shadow element like List of items, where you want to retrieve or find, maybe you can try like:

reference: from

I didn't get a chance to try shadowGet() or shadowFind( ) , yet I'm posting for reference. Let me know :)

  .should('eq', 4);
This worked for me. hope it helps in your implementations too. Thank you :)

Sahithi Gundu